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Go to TEC TalksCompliance with applicable law, responsible conduct and ethical behavior among ourselves and toward business partners are our top priorities. To prevent violations of these principles, we have therefore established a global compliance management system. This is based on the following pillars:
The topic of compliance is given a very high priority at Brückner, starting at the very top. Our management not only sets a good example, but also addresses our employees directly with its "Tone from the Top" and refers to the obligation of each individual. For us, compliance means that we all live these values and act accordingly.
Our compliance organisation ensures that compliance managers and delegates with appropriate expertise are deployed throughout the group. They are not only specially trained, but also undergo regular training to further expand their expertise and keep abreast of current developments. They are the point of contact for questions and support our employees in always behaving correctly, even in difficult situations. The compliance managers are also the ones who hold the compliance training courses; in this way they remain in close contact with employees on a permanent basis. In addition, they ensure that internal company processes are monitored and follow up on tips. They coordinate with the Head of Compliance in regular meetings and send him written compliance reports. The Head of Compliance in turn maintains close contact with the management.
To maintain the standard of our compliance organization at a high level, regular compliance board meetings are also held. As well as providing good networking opportunities for compliance managers, these also serve to share experience and continuously develop our organisation.
We are guided in our conduct by the Code of Conduct of the Brückner Group. The Code of Conduct covers twelve topics and, as an expression of our social responsibility, is the core of our corporate culture and inner compass.
Find out more about our guidelines and download the Code of Conduct here. It is available in German, English, Chinese, Spanish and Dutch.
With internal guidelines, we provide ourselves with clear requirements that often go beyond the legal requirements. We have various guidelines in the field of compliance. For example, not only is our compliance organisation governed by a policy, but special topics such as gifts and invitations or export controls are also subject to the provisions of a separate policy.
Only those who have an understanding of the background can recognize compliance pitfalls and act accordingly. It is important to us to sensitize our employees and to keep the awareness for compliance dangers permanently high. Therefore, we regularly train all employees of the Brückner Group on compliance topics and show them how to act correctly.
The trainings are available on different focal points. In addition to general training on topics such as corruption, money laundering, etc., there are also special training courses, for example on the permissible handling of gifts and invitations. The fact that the training courses are held by compliance managers promotes contact with employees and enables them to ask questions in a relaxed atmosphere.
In addition to attendance training, e-learning on the topic of compliance is mandatory for every employee of the Brückner Group. The contents of this e-learning were individually designed for the Brückner Group and show the dangerous situations that our employees can potentially be confronted with. Smaller tasks within the scope of the training, as well as a final test, support the consolidation of the imparted contents.
You can report violations of applicable law, the Code of Conduct or other binding requirements via our whistleblower system. This is provided by an external provider and all reports are processed securely, confidentially and anonymously if desired. This system can be used worldwide and around the clock.
You can reach our whistleblower system at